

Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine

The IAF Agroforestry Education and Promotion Project is funded by the DAFM Woodland Support Scheme. DAFM Forestry Inspectors and Ecologists provide Advisory Support to IAF



The Centre for Environmental Living and Training also runs an Agroforestry Education Programme and IAF members attend their events, both organisations will collaborate on a joint farm walk event this summer.


Teagasc Forestry Advisors provide Advisory Support to IAF and Collaborate on Education and Promotion Events



IAF is an All Island organisation and collaborates with the Department of Agriculture, Environment, and Rural Affairs to promote Agroforestry in the North. Officials from DAERA provide Advisory Support and will be collaborating to organise some cross-border farm walks later in the year.

National Organic Training SkillNet

NOTS provide Advisory and Administration Support to IAF and Collaborate on Conferences and Workshops.


Ulster Wildlife Trust

Dr Jim McAdam who is a Director of IAF and Project Lead for the Agroforestry Education and Promotion Project also works for the Ulster Wildlife Trust and brings their biodiversity and environmental expertise to the project and also networks.

Kinsale College

Kinsale College has a permaculture course and years of experience in permaculture and sustainable design. They provide advisory support to IAF and avail of IAF member expertise.



GrowIN is a network of farmers in Northern Ireland who believe that agriculture can lead the way in tackling the climate, nature, food production and health crises facing society. It is collaborating with IAF on the development of website materials and sharing of resources.