Whole Farm Innovation

IAF encourages and promotes farm innovation for sustainable farming across the Island of Ireland and which will develop farming whilst protecting the environment.

  • GrowIN

    The Grow Innovation Network is an Ashden Trust funded project, delivered by the Food Farming & Countryside Commission through a team of grassroots farmers in Northern Ireland. The GrowIN vision is to facilitate a network of farmers in Northern Ireland on a mission to make regenerative farm practices and enterprises the norm, collaborating with each other and sharing stories, ideas and knowledge across the wider industry and society. IAF contributes to an agroforestry channel on the GrowIn website and our members are welcome to join it also.

  • FARMING FOR nature

    The Farming for Nature initiative seeks to acknowledge and support those farmers who farm, or wish to farm, in a way that will improve the natural health of our countryside.

  • Multi-Species Swards at Rare Ruminaire

    The goal here at Rare Ruminare is to produce the healthiest and best tasting meat possible. This is done through practicing natural farming. This not only meets full organic standards but goes beyond to truly farm in sync with nature. All Rare Ruminaire beef and lamb graze a grass only diet. They are never fed high protein concentrated grain mixes that are fed on most farms to achieve fast weight gain while unbalancing the natural digestion of the animals. The farm is managed as an entire ecosystem that the farmed animals are just one element of. The soil and soil life is of equal concern as we know healthy biological soil grows mineral-rich, diverse grass pastures. This in turn grows healthy animals that produce nutrient-rich, healthy meat. Multispecies swards and diversity in our pastures replaces Nitrogen.

  • Fiorbhia Farm

    Local Regenerative educational farm, chemical free, the way nature intended. We grow free range pork, eggs, meat chickens, heritage bronze turkeys, rose veal, honey and biochar. We take the best knowledge from farming heritage and combine it with the latest developments in soil microbiology to produce consistent, healthy food with the highest animal welfare standards. We also process all produce locally supporting small businesses and the local community. We work using forested land in collaboration with nature and animals to produce healthy happy tasty food. Our pastures are forested, with natural ecosystems and no artificial inputs. We run antibiotic free. It is also carbon positive production because as we move our animals and birds to fresh pasture they distribute their own waste directly onto the land, we don’t use any artificial fertilisers or chemical medication, we do not heat our chicken coops or animal housing, our hens live longer than conventional egg production hens. High animal welfare is our guiding light. Our animals are healthy and delighted to browse wild herbs and shrubs. They are an integral part of our sustainable, regenerative approach to agriculture. Our Gloucester old spot pigs complete the cycle.