Agroforestry FT8 Q+A Webinar

The Irish Agroforestry Forum hosted an Agroforestry Q+A webinar for foresters submitting applications to the DAFM Agroforestry Measure FT8. The host for the evening was Maureen Kilgore, Manager of the Irish Agroforestry Forum. Panellists included Eugene Curran, District Forestry Inspector ( Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine), Tom Houlihan, Forestry Specialist (Teagasc), John Casey, Forestry Development Officer (Teagasc) and Professor Jim McAdam (Irish Agroforestry Forum, Ulster Wildlife and Queens University). The event included presentations and a Q+A session on the agroforestry support measure FT8 under the Afforestation Programme 2023-2027. Details of the application process, planning, design and interactions with other farming support measures are covered.